
Each server in the cluster should have a local instance of the OmniPaxos struct. OmniPaxos maintains a local state of the replicated log, handles incoming messages and produces outgoing messages that the user has to fetch and send using their network implementation. The users also accesses the replicated log via OmniPaxos. For the sake of this tutorial, we will use some convenient macros and storage implementations that work out-of-the-box. This requires us to modify our Cargo.toml:

omnipaxos = { version = "LATEST_VERSION", features = ["macros"] }
omnipaxos_storage = "LATEST_VERSION"

Example: Key-Value store

As a guide for this tutorial, we will use OmniPaxos to implement a replicated log for the purpose of building a consistent Key-Value store.

We begin by defining the type that we want our log entries to consist of:

use omnipaxos::macros::Entry;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Entry)] // Clone and Debug are required traits.
pub struct KeyValue {
    pub key: String,
    pub value: u64,

Entry is the trait for representing the entries stored in the replicated log of OmniPaxos. Here, we derive the implementation of it for our KeyValue using a macro. We will also show how to implement the trait manually when we discuss Snapshots.

Note To use the #[derive(Entry)] macro, please make sure to enable the macros feature.

Creating a Node

With the structs for log entry and storage defined, we can now go ahead and create our OmniPaxos replica instance. Let’s assume we want our KV-store to be replicated on three servers. On, say node 2, we would do the following:

use omnipaxos::{OmniPaxos, OmniPaxosConfig, ServerConfig, ClusterConfig};
use omnipaxos_storage::memory_storage::MemoryStorage;

// configuration with id 1 and a cluster with 3 nodes
let cluster_config = ClusterConfig {
    configuration_id: 1,
    nodes: vec![1, 2, 3],

// create the replica 2 in this cluster (other replica instances are created similarly with pid 1 and 3 on the other nodes)
let server_config = ServerConfig {
    pid: 2,

// Combined OmniPaxos config with both clsuter-wide and server specific configurations
let omnipaxos_config = OmniPaxosConfig {

let storage = MemoryStorage::default();
let mut omni_paxos: OmniPaxos<KeyValue, MemoryStorage<KeyValue>> =;

With the toml_config feature enabled, the OmniPaxosConfig can instead be defined in TOML.

configuration_id = 1
nodes = [1, 2, 3]

pid = 2

If this file’s path is config/node2.toml it could then be loaded to construct an OmniPaxosConfig:

let config_file_path = "config/node2.toml"; 
let omnipaxos_config = OmniPaxosConfig::with_toml(config_file_path);


To support Fail-recovery, we must ensure that our storage implementation can persist both the log entries and storage state. Upon recovery, we have to make sure that our OmniPaxos will start with the previously persisted state. To do so, we re-create our storage with the same storage path as the previous instance. Then we create a OmniPaxos instance but use the persisted state as the storage argument. We show an example using PersistentStorage.

/* Re-creating our node after a crash... */

// Configuration from previous storage
let my_path = "/my_path_before_crash/";
let mut persist_conf = PersistentStorageConfig::default();
persist_conf.set_path(my_path.to_string()); // set the path of the persistent storage

// Re-create storage with previous state, then create `OmniPaxos`
let recovered_storage: PersistentStorage<KeyValue> = PersistentStorage::open(persist_conf);
let mut recovered_paxos =;