
You are free to use any storage implementation with OmniPaxos. The only requirement is that it implements the Storage trait. OmniPaxos includes the package omnipaxos_storage which provides two types of storage implementation that work out of the box: MemoryStorage and PersistentStorage.

Importing omnipaxos_storage

To use the provided storage implementations, we need to add omnipaxos_storage to the dependencies in the cargo file. You can find the latest version on crates.

omnipaxos_storage = { version = "LATEST_VERSION", default-features = true } 

If you do decide to implement your own storage, we recommend taking a look at MemoryStorage as a reference for implementing the functions required by Storage. Upon receiving a StorageResult::Error(_) from the storage implementation, Omnipaxos tries to roll back incomplete changes, to enable crash-recovery, and then panicks.


MemoryStorage is an in-memory storage implementation and it will be used in our examples. For simplicity, we leave out some parts of the implementation for now (such as Snapshots).

// from the module omnipaxos_storage::memory_storage
pub struct MemoryStorage<T>
    T: Entry,
    /// Vector which contains all the replicated entries in-memory.
    log: Vec<T>,
    /// Last promised round.
    n_prom: Ballot,
    /// Last accepted round.
    acc_round: Ballot,
    /// Length of the decided log.
    ld: usize,
    /// Garbage collected index.
    trimmed_idx: usize,

impl<T> Storage<T> for MemoryStorage<T>
    T: Entry,
    fn write_atomically(&mut self, ops: Vec<StorageOp<T>>) -> StorageResult<()> {
        for op in ops {
            match op {
                StorageOp::AppendEntry(entry) => self.append_entry(entry)?,
                StorageOp::AppendEntries(entries) => self.append_entries(entries)?,
                StorageOp::AppendOnPrefix(from_idx, entries) => {
                    self.append_on_prefix(from_idx, entries)?
                StorageOp::SetPromise(bal) => self.set_promise(bal)?,
                StorageOp::SetDecidedIndex(idx) => self.set_decided_idx(idx)?,
                StorageOp::SetAcceptedRound(bal) => self.set_accepted_round(bal)?,

    fn append_entry(&mut self, entry: T) -> StorageResult<()> {

    fn append_entries(&mut self, entries: Vec<T>) -> StorageResult<()> {
        let mut e = entries;
        self.log.append(&mut e);

    fn append_on_prefix(&mut self, from_idx: usize, entries: Vec<T>) -> StorageResult<()> {
        self.log.truncate(from_idx - self.trimmed_idx);

    fn set_promise(&mut self, n_prom: Ballot) -> StorageResult<()> {
        self.n_prom = Some(n_prom);

    fn set_decided_idx(&mut self, ld: usize) -> StorageResult<()> {
        self.ld = ld;

    fn get_decided_idx(&self) -> StorageResult<usize> {

    fn set_accepted_round(&mut self, na: Ballot) -> StorageResult<()> {
        self.acc_round = Some(na);

    fn get_accepted_round(&self) -> StorageResult<Option<Ballot>> {

    fn get_entries(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> StorageResult<Vec<T>> {
        let from = from - self.trimmed_idx;
        let to = to - self.trimmed_idx;

    fn get_log_len(&self) -> StorageResult<usize> {

    fn get_suffix(&self, from: usize) -> StorageResult<Vec<T>> {
        Ok(match self.log.get((from - self.trimmed_idx)..) {
                Some(s) => s.to_vec(),
                None => vec![],

    fn get_promise(&self) -> StorageResult<Option<Ballot>> {

    fn trim(&mut self, trimmed_idx: usize) -> StorageResult<()> {
        let to_trim = (trimmed_idx - self.trimmed_idx).min(self.log.len());
        self.trimmed_idx = trimmed_idx;


PersistentStorage is a persistent storage implementation, built on top of RocksDB, that stores the replicated log and the state of OmniPaxos. Users can configure the path to log entries and OmniPaxos state, and storage-related options through PersistentStorageConfig. The configuration struct features a default() constructor for generating default configuration, and the constructor with() that takes the storage path and options as arguments.

use omnipaxos_storage::{
    persistent_storage::{PersistentStorage, PersistentStorageConfig},
use rocksdb;

// user-defined configuration
let my_path = "my_storage";
let log_store_options = rocksdb::Options::default();
let state_store_options = rocksdb::Options::default();
state_store_options.create_missing_column_families(true); // required
state_store_options.create_if_missing(true); // required

// generate default configuration and set user-defined options
let mut my_config = PersistentStorageConfig::default();


OmniPaxos supports batching to reduce the number of IO operations to storage. It is enabled by specifying the batch_size in OmniPaxosConfig.

    let omnipaxos_config = OmniPaxosConfig {
        server_config: ServerConfig {
            batch_size: 100, // `batch_size = 1` by default
        cluster_config: ClusterConfig {
            configuration_id: 1,
            nodes: vec![1, 2, 3],
    // build omnipaxos instance

Note OmniPaxos will wait until the batch size is reached before the entries get decided. A larger batch size may therefore incur higher latency before an append operation is decided.