



use omnipaxos::sequence_paxos::CompactionErr;

// we will try trimming the first 100 entries of the log.
let trim_idx = Some(100);  // using `None` will use the highest trimmable index
match omni_paxos.trim(trim_idx) {
    Ok(_) => {
        // later, we can see that the trim succeeded with `omni_paxos.get_compacted_idx()`
    Err(e) => {
        match e {
            CompactionErr::NotAllDecided(idx) => {
                // Our provided trim index was not decided by all servers yet. All servers have currently only decided up to `idx`.
                // If desired, users can retry with omni_paxos.trim(Some(idx)) which will then succeed.

注意: 请确保您的应用程序不再需要将要切割的数据。一旦成功,切割后的条目将丢失,无法读取或恢复。



use std::collections::HashMap;
use omnipaxos::storage::Snapshot;

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct KVSnapshot {
    snapshotted: HashMap<String, u64>

impl Snapshot<KeyValue> for KVSnapshot {
    fn create(entries: &[KeyValue]) -> Self {
        let mut snapshotted = HashMap::new();
        for e in entries {
            let KeyValue { key, value } = e;
            snapshotted.insert(key.clone(), *value);
        Self { snapshotted }

    fn merge(&mut self, delta: Self) {
        for (k, v) in delta.snapshotted {
            self.snapshotted.insert(k, v);

    fn use_snapshots() -> bool {



// ...same as shown before in the `OmniPaxos` chapter.
let storage = MemoryStorage::<KeyValue, KVSnapshot)>::default();    // use KVSnapshot as type argument instead of ()
let mut omni_paxos = omni_paxos_config.build(storage);


// we will try snapshotting the first 100 entries of the log.
let snapshot_idx = Some(100);  // using `None` will use the highest snapshottable index
let local_only = false; // snapshots will be taken by all nodes.
match omni_paxos.snapshot(snapshot_idx, local_only) {
    Ok(_) => {
        // later, we can see that the snapshot succeeded with `omni_paxos.get_compacted_idx()`
    Err(e) => {
        match e {
            CompactionErr::UndecidedIndex(idx) => {
                // Our provided snapshot index is not decided yet. The currently decided index is `idx`.

// reading a snapshotted entry
if let Some(e) = omni_paxos.read(20) {
    match e {
        LogEntry::Snapshotted(s) => {
            // entry at idx 20 is snapshotted since we snapshotted idx 100
            let snapshotted_idx = s.trimmed_idx;
            let snapshot: KVSnapshot = s.snapshot;
            // ...can query the latest value for a key in snapshot

注意: 如果Entry类型不是snapshottable,只需使用 ()作为Snapshot的类型参数即可。